Authenticity vs. Confidence You know you need to exude confidence: perhaps you have a big presentation, a difficult conversation, or an interview coming up. Yet, you’re nervous. How do you reconcile these two realities? In any interaction, the higher the stakes or the...
How to Use Anger as Fuel What makes your blood boil? Anger is a natural and normal human emotion. Whether you feel slight irritation or great rage, all anger stems from a sense of violation. Some “should” of yours, some expectation or rule, has been trampled....
Nail Your Personal Brand interview Amy Waterman of YourBrilliance, a website dedicated to helping women overcome personal obstacles and achieve their goals, recently interviewed me on the subject of how you present yourself to others when seeking a job or...
7 Practical Ways to Boost Your Mood How is the “pursuit of happiness” going for you? As it turns out, the more you try to “pursue” happiness, the more it eludes you. Happiness is a feeling; emotions, by their very nature, are transitory. That’s one reason I’ve...
What is Holding You Back? You communicate who you are. Who you are and how you are shows up in your nonverbal communication. It shows up in your posture, your tone of voice, your sense of space, your gestures… I’ve said it over and over again in articles, workshops,...