3 Social Skills We are Losing As with any skill, you use it or lose it. Knowledge can stick around. I still remember my best friend’s phone number from third grade. I no longer, however, can carry on a conversation in French like I could in third grade. (Loved...
3 Steps to Handling Anxiety in Others Anxiety is contagious. How you handle it matters. Anxiety disorders are the #1 most common mental health condition in the US. They affect almost 20% of the population… so if it’s not you, just look around—someone you work...
The 5 Laws of Listening If your listening is effortless, you’re doing it wrong. You probably take listening for granted. To many, it doesn’t even seem like a skill—it’s something that just happens without even trying: Noises come out of a mouth in recognizable...
5 Steps to (Re)Gain Your Composure “I feel completely on edge around my boss,” my coaching client told me. “Soon after we started working together, she gave me really negative feedback. I want to improve our relationship, but I get anxious every time I meet...
How to Thrive on Stress Successful people thrive on stress. “Thrive,” after all, is the #1 synonym of “succeed.” And let’s face it: real life is full of stress. If you want to be successful and thrive in life, you need to be successful and thrive in the midst...