7 Times You Should Probably Shut Up Awhile back I wrote I wrote a blog called “3 Times to Shut Your Mouth” which was—surprise, surprise!—about the nonverbal messages you send by literally closing your mouth. And while it is useful to know when to physically...
How to Build Self-Trust Human interactions require a basic level of trust to function, and that includes interacting with your own brain and living your own life. Like me, however, you have probably made a few [million] mistakes during your years on the earth....
Self-Deprecating Humor: Use It or Lose It? As you may already know from my leadership guide, I generally advise against using self-deprecating humor. Most of the time, it does not convey confidence and credibility. But as is the case with virtually all...
Fight Better. Here’s How. You fight every day. I’m not referring here to interpersonal conflict though perhaps how to “fight better” when you disagree with others could be a topic for another article. (Until then, I recommend How to Argue and Win Every Time by...
How to Be: Three Life-Changing Lessons from a Remarkable Woman About a month ago, I lost my mentor and dear friend, Mary Kogen. Mary was, on the surface, my college piano and pedagogy teacher. She taught me technique and chord progressions, how to break the...