Blog | Resources
3 Ways to Bring Your Material to Life
These presentation skills can turn any topic into something worth listening to.
How to Ask for What You Want
Here are several ways to build the skills and the courage you need to ask—and get!—more of what you want.
5 Ways to Have Deeper Conversations
With one skill you can improve all your conversations.
How to Fix Passive-Aggressive Communication
It’s always better to be clear and direct in communication, but it’s not always easy. Here are some ways to be both honest and effective.
How to Think on Your Feet
Life is full of surprises. How you handle them can make or break a career. Here’s how to handle the unexpected with calm confidence.
How to Not be Artificial
Artificial intelligence has changed communication, even among humans! Here are seven tips for keeping your communication personable, relatable, and authentic.
3 Social Skills We are Losing
Life is so much more enjoyable, productive, and profitable when you learn and practice these three basic social skills.
3 Steps to Handling Anxiety in Others
In the face of anxiety, these nonverbal communication skills and concrete actions can help.
The 5 Laws of Listening
Active listening—the art of busting your butt to receive another person’s message—requires these five components. Which do you need to work on?
5 Steps to Regain Your Composure
When you need to recover quickly, these five steps will get your brain and body back on track.
How to Thrive on Stress
Some stress is actually good for you, but it requires a change in perspective and deliberate action.
The Pros and Cons of Imposter Syndrome
Where does Imposter Syndrome come from? What might you gain from it? What might you lose?
5 Things to Look for This Year
These five things undergird all your goals and plans. Look for them, and you will find them.
The Antidote to Resentment & Contempt
It’s simpler and harder than you think.
How to Make Small Talk Less Awkward
Make small talk less of a necessary evil and more mutually satisfying with these tips.
7 Essential Ingredients for Honest Conversations
They say, “Honesty is the best policy,” but all policies need an implementation plan. Here’s how to be honest in a way that promotes growth and relationships.
How to be Nonverbally Inclusive
Help others feel welcome and included with these nonverbal communication skills.
How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence
Here are three ways to adjust your mindset and shift your body language to increase your power and confidence.
Say More with Less
Use fewer words and congruent nonverbals to make a strong statement. Here’s how.
3 Tips for Delivering Feedback
To make sure your message gets across in the way you intend, pay attention to a few key nonverbal skills.
3 Ways to Use Your Voice Effectively
Don’t waste the valuable resource and useful tool that is always with you.
The 4 Components of Belonging
Belonging is a basic human need. If you want to belong, there are steps you can take.
10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally
Which of these ten tips do you already do consistently? Which do you need to start doing?
3 Ways to Replenish Your Energy
Small, simple acts and shifts can add up to a huge boost in energy and mood.
How to Make an Introduction
Want to make every event you attend more enjoyable? Master the art of making introductions.
When & How to Use The Language of Connection
The words you choose can create connection or separation. There’s a time and a place for both.
7 Times You Should Probably Shut Up
Reduce awkward moments and improve relationships by learning when to stop talking.
How to Build Self-Trust
Healthy relationships are based on trust, including your relationship with yourself.
Self-Deprecating Humor: Use It or Lose It?
Do you make fun of yourself to get a laugh? Do you humorously point out all your flaws? Sometimes this can be helpful in establishing connections… most of the time, it backfires. Here’s how to tell what’s best.
Fight Better. Here’s How.
Why you fight makes all the difference in how you fight.
How to Be: Three Life-Changing Lessons
With these three attributes you can navigate life with grace and charisma.
2 Neglected Nonverbal Skills on Video Calls
Nonverbal communication includes much more than simply body language and facial expressions. While many of those cues can still be picked up over video, a few key components fall by the wayside. Here are some tips on bridging that gap.
What to do When You’re the Target
Even if you’re a master at managing your own anger, you might find yourself on the receiving end of a rage attack. You can’t control other people’s emotions… so what CAN you do?
7 Techniques for Managing Anger at Work
How do you keep your cool and still stand up for yourself in the midst of infuriating workplace circumstances or colleagues? Here’s how…
5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending
Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to slip into condescending communication. Here are five ways to adjust your communication so others can listen.
5 Signs You’re Making Someone Uncomfortable
Communication sometimes leads to hurt feelings or discomfort. Detecting the signs and adapting your approach can turn an awkward conversation into a positive experience.
3 Times to Ignore People
Ignoring is rude… usually. Sometimes it’s helpful and necessary. Here’s when and how to do it right.
How to Build Trust (Even When Remote)
Trust still requires the same three elements it always has, but how do you convey those remotely? Here’s how.
How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves
Giving a presentation? Got a job interview coming up? Anticipating a difficult conversation? These tips will help you beat nervousness.
3 Self-Destructive Beliefs to Drop This Year
Instead of making new year’s resolutions, discover what beliefs are shaping your behavior. Change your beliefs, and your behavior will change automatically.
7 Gifts Everyone Wants
These are free to give and a delight to receive any time of year.
3 Sanity-Saving Conversation Tips
Some interactions are not worth the time and energy. Here are ways you can avoid, navigate, and manage challenging people and conversations.
5 Tips for Healthy Communication
You are what you eat—not just when it comes to food, but words, too. Practice making healthy communication choices. Here’s how.
What to Do When Someone Invades Your Personal Space
If you’ve ever felt encroached upon or ever worried that you might make others uncomfortable, here are tips on what to do.
One Way to Reduce Others’ Resistance
This counterintuitive suggestion will increase your chances of being heard and getting buy-in.
3 Times to Shut Your Mouth
What nonverbal messages are you sending when you open your mouth?
7 Phrases that Make You Sound Passive-Aggressive
Avoid these phrases to promote clear communication and healthy relationships.
5 Things Fake People Do
Everyone is fake sometimes. Here is how to spot inauthentic behavior in yourself and others and what to do about it.
Career Conversation with Lauren Francis
Video discussion on how to communicate competence and confidence in a job interview.
Fearlessness vs. Courage: How to Cultivate Each
Fearlessness and courage are not innate traits. You can develop them. Here’s how.
When to Avoid Eye Contact
You know you’re supposed to look people in the eye, but do you know when not to?
The Language of Leadership
Learn what phrases to use and which to avoid in order to communicate credibility and confidence.
The Five Steps to Changing Your Life
You probably already know step one and two…
Don’t Fixate, Focus
Don’t let one piece of the puzzle distract you from the whole picture. Here’s how to maintain focus instead of fixating on one thing.
When & How to Interrupt
Sometimes you need to interrupt. Here’s how to do so with confidence and respect.
When Your Character & Behavior Aren’t Enough
You expect to teach by example, but sometimes, that’s not enough.
The Four Components of Presence
Discover the four components of presence and learn specific skills for increasing your personal presence in each area.
Stop Being Modest
Modesty is not humility OR confidence. So stop already. Practice true humility and confidence instead.
How to Use (and NOT Use) Humor
Laughter is the best medicine. But sometimes it backfires. Here’s what to do and what to avoid.
Drop These 5 Nonverbal Habits
Bad habits can inhibit your ability to communicate confidence and presence. Here are five things to stop doing.
Stability, Connection, Vitality: Have More This Coming Year
By incorporating some of these simple habits and communication tips into your daily life, this coming year can be more stable and fulfilling.
Write YOUR Next Chapter
Ever feel stuck? It happens to everyone. Here are five steps to getting unstuck in writing and in life.
3 Things to Leave Behind
These behaviors are easy to fall into, especially when faced with fear, doubt, and loss. However, they amplify pain. Leave them behind to experience more peace and power in the upcoming year.
7 Lessons I Relearned This Year
As I reflect upon the past year, I see how valuable and grounding these seven practices can be.
When to Use Words
Three times you cannot rely on nonverbal communication alone.
5 Times You Don’t Have to Listen
In general, listen more than you speak… unless you’re in one of these five situations.
6 Destructive Traits Good Leaders Reject
Leadership is more than a role. To be a good leader, here are six traits to avoid and their antidotes.
Free Email Coaching Program
Are you ready to change your life? Sign up for my FREE 3-week email coaching program that will lead you, day by day, toward the life of your dreams.
Keep Trying, Keep Failing
Knowing is not the same as doing. To improve your communication skills (or any skills), you need to try. And fail. And try again.
When You Feel Depleted
Running on fumes? Yes, all the feel-good inspirational sayings out there are true: You are stronger than you think. Yet strength doesn’t come from nowhere. Here’s how to replenish.
What to do when someone is freaking out
When your coworker loses it, what do you do? Here are five tips for managing your reaction.
5 Damaging Thoughts to Get Rid Of
The stories you tell yourself can hurt or help you, your career, and your relationships. Here are a few to avoid.
How Leaders Inspire Change
Overcoming friction and inertia is hard. Save time, energy, and headaches with these three tips.
Stressed? Breathe. Here’s Why and How.
No other skill impacts how you come across to others more.
How to Overcome the Harmful Habit of Judging
Judging others masks underlying problems and makes you feel better. But it comes at a high price.
Fowl Play: Don’t Steal My Chickens
A real-life story to illustrate an important communication principle.
How to Recover When You Stumble
Communication blunders happen to everyone. Here are some tips for managing them with grace and ease.
How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Nothing makes people quake in their boots quite like giving a presentation. To overcome your fear of public speaking, tell yourself these three truths.
5 Ways to Create a Safe & Healthy Environment
Times of crisis can make you, and those around you, feel threatened. Here are some ways, based on David Rock’s SCARF model, to create safety.
How are you Sabotaging Yourself?
Is your body language causing communication problems?
4 Things People Want from Leaders
How to communicate the four traits every leader needs.
Authenticity vs. Confidence
When you’re nervous, is it possible to communicate confidence and still be authentic? Yes. Here’s how.
How to Use Anger as Fuel
Anger can lead to enormous positive change. Learn to channel it for good.
Nail Your Personal Brand interview
I was interviewed by Amy Waterman on leadership, authenticity, and personal branding. Check out the video and article!
7 Practical Ways to Boost Your Mood
If you’re feeling down, there are physical things you can do to lift your spirits.
What is Holding You Back?
What does your nonverbal communication say about you?
Stop Depersonalizing Your Communication
Do you own and address your reactions? If not, you miss out on three important things.
How to Tell an Engaging Story
A bad storyteller can put you to sleep. A good one is engaging, memorable, and influential. Here are some tips for telling a good story.
What is Your Self-Worth Built On?
Big life changes, loss, and conflict can all upend your sense of self. To navigate life’s bumps, make sure your identity is built on a rock solid foundation.
3 Common Communication Pitfalls
… and how to avoid them.
Climb the Corporate Ladder: Susan’s Story
A few nonverbal shifts led to a huge career breakthrough for this client. Apply the same lessons to your own path.
How to Provide Connection, Stability, & Direction
Vulnerability: Is it a gimmicky marketing trick? Or a manipulation technique? It can be. Or it can be the pathway to compelling leadership.
Want to Grow Your Courage? First, Be Scared.
You can’t be courageous and comfortable.
7 Ways to Spread Hope & Health
Managing your reactions not only makes you feel better, but promotes mental and physical health in others, too. Here’s how.
The Power of the Pause
Nothing holds attention better than a well-executed pause. Here’s how to do it.
How to Make Real Connections
In this digital, virtual age, we need human connection more than ever. But we’re losing the communication skills that make connection possible.
What does it mean to be real?
Don’t be a cheap copy of a masterpiece. Be your own masterpiece.
Leadership Presence Free Download
Download this free 22-page guide on how to increase your leadership presence.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Body
Your thoughts influence your body language, and vice versa. When you pay attention to both, you can change your whole life.
What Body Language Can’t Tell You
Reading body language can give you valuable insights… as long as you avoid one mistake.
What Your Time Says About You
How you spend your time sends a subtle message to others. What does your schedule convey?
How to Spot a Liar
Does body language help you detect deception?
Stop Saying “Sorry”
A true apology can do a world of good. Yet most people overuse “I’m sorry.” That damages credibility. Here’s what to do instead.
How to End a Conversation
Most advice on conversation revolves around how to start one and keep it going. How do you end a conversation without being harsh or clumsy? Here’s how…
“That’s Just the Way I Am”
Arrogance is not overconfidence. It’s a lack of confidence masquerading as superiority.
What Will Your Presence Bring You?
What do you want to achieve this year? What kind of person will you need to be to do it?
How to Get People to Open Up
It would be so much easier to make decisions that involve other people if you could really see them for who they are. Here are some tips to help others feel safe enough to show you the truth about themselves.
One Key Way to Demonstrate Confidence
In times of crisis, we look to those who confidently navigate the chaos. Does that sound like you? It can…
Start Using Your Whole Brain
When stress levels mount, it’s easy to fall into communication patterns that may be unhelpful. Here’s how to counteract that tendency.
Mismatched Communication: Now What?
Ever feel like your communication wires are crossed? How can you speak another person’s “language” and move the conversation forward? Here are some tips.
When Your “Help” Leads to Harm
In everyday situations, you have the opportunity to enable the negative behavior of others or to empower them to change and grow. Which will you choose?
Powering Presence
Presence takes energy. To have a big, bold, powerful presence, invest in yourself.
Cultivate the Three Elements of Trust
Are you trustworthy? Great. From there, you need to demonstrate and communicate it.
Get a Group’s Attention with This Skill
Have you ever needed to quiet down a group and found it a frustrating experience? Here is one surefire way to get and keep attention when you need to.
Communication Tips: Swimsuit Edition
Is it possible to adapt your approach and still be authentic? Or are those concepts mutually exclusive?
One Tool for Handling Anger
Anger is a normal and natural emotion, yet it can be destructive and frightening when untethered. Here is one tool for diffusing anger.
How Good Leaders Handle Stress
How you present yourself, especially when under stress, demonstrates whether or not you are a leader. When feeling pressured, do these four things to communicate strong leadership ability.
How to Tear Down, How to Build Up
Are your attempts to build people up actually dragging them down? Here’s one thing to avoid when complimenting others and two things to do instead.
How to Move Past Emotions
How do you move past thorny emotions when they overwhelm you? Here are seven things to try.
Power Poses: Science or Snake Oil?
Have you heard of using “power poses” to boost your confidence? Is this a gimmick or does it work? Here’s what I found…
How to Own the Room in a Job Interview
Listen to my conversation with Mac Prichard on the Find Your Dream Job podcast for tips on how to present yourself with confidence in an interview.
Free Interview Guide
Sign up to receive tips on how to prepare yourself, how to stay calm and focused, and how to present yourself with confidence in an interview.
Don’t Be “Nice”
Being nice is a social tool. Instead of manipulating others, dig a little deeper to find a more meaningful, fulfilling way to interact.
The Art of Conversation: 4 Skills to Master
These four simple skills are the building blocks of great conversations.
2 Ways to Prevent Discouragement
Ever gotten exactly what you wanted … only to discover it didn’t solve all your problems as hoped? Here are some ways to deal with disappointment or stave it off before it even happens.
How to Deal with Feedback
How do you handle negative comments, compliments, praise, and constructive criticism? Learning to filter, accept, and learn from both positive and negative feedback leads to resilience and growth.
Issue vs. Relationship FREE Download
Free PDF guide on how to adapt your communication style to meet the needs of others, increase rapport, and ensure the message gets through.
Two Ways to Increase Your Receptivity
If you want to be heard and understood, keep these two things in mind.
Three G’s for a GREAT Year
With these three things, you’ll experience more peace, more pleasure, and more joy.
Do You Ever Struggle? Here’s Why That’s Good.
Have you ever felt discouraged over how hard life can sometimes be? Hang in there. Allowing yourself to struggle will lead to three important benefits.
4 Steps to Claiming Space
Increase your leadership presence and improve your relationships with these four steps to claiming space.
How to Stop Giving & Getting Excuses
You hate it when people make excuses for their behavior, yet how often do you do the same thing? Are your “explanations” really excuses in disguise? Here’s how to tell the difference.
Being Yourself Isn’t Enough
Do others see the real you? Do you let them?
5 Things You Need to Sacrifice
Good communication and good relationships require sacrifice. Here are five things you must give up to improve both.
Be Calm & Confident on the Phone
Phone conversations can sometimes be nerve-wracking. These tips will help you feel calm and confident in phone interviews and other important calls.
Stressed? Try These Three Fixes
In our fast-paced world, stress is a fact of life. But too much stress hinders your ability to think clearly and communicate effectively. Here are three ways to improve your relationship with stress.
How to Say “No”
Saying no can be hard. How will it affect my relationships? My career? My reputation? With these tips you can say no when you need to with confidence and grace.
Be Careful With These Two Words
When someone is going through tough times, what do you say? Depending on who you’re speaking to, these two words can either help or hurt.
Make One Small Change This Year
New Year’s resolutions don’t work. Try this instead.
The Clothes Make the Man
… or do they? Clothing sends a strong nonverbal message to others and to our own brains. Yet power, worth, and credibility come from something far deeper and stronger.
Don’t Let Mismatched Nonverbals Make a Bad Situation Worse
When you have to give bad news, it’s easy to send mixed messages nonverbally. Protect yourself and the listener by being nonverbally congruent.
Tips for Phone Conversations
The article I wrote for the Careers in Government blog addresses phone interviews, but these body language tips will help with any conversation over the phone.
Rewrite Your Script
Your preconceived notions are ruining your life.
Lessons Learned from 3 Big Mistakes I’ve Made
If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you’re destined to repeat them. Here are three times I messed up, and what I learned to do instead.
It’s Not Magic, It’s Technique
Ever been spellbound by an excellent speaker? How do they do that? It’s not magic, it’s technique. Technique that you can master, too.
If the Shoe Fits
Your nonverbal communication must fit both YOU and the situation you’re in.
Fall Colors: What’s Hiding Behind All That Work?
How to create space for real connection and engagement.
Screw Your ‘Best Self’
I want you to be happy and the best version of yourself—really, I do. But let’s be real…
Handling the unexpected is a whole lot easier when you master these two skills.
Claiming vs. Violating Space
Here’s how you can have a big presence without overstepping boundaries or intimidating people.
Can You Be Too Authentic?
Is being authentic the same as having no filters? Where do you draw the line?
How to Produce the Results You Want
From the makers of wine come a few lessons on how to achieve an excellent end result. Lesson 1: Growth is not enough.
3 Ways to Fascinate Your Audience
If you’re going to monopolize an audience’s time and attention, make it worth their while. Stop the boring presentations! Do these three things instead.
Why Nice Guys (and Gals) Finish Last
If you want to be a leader, get over being “nice.”
Be Silent. Be Still.
Do you want to get people’s attention? Be quiet and still.
From Talking to Speaking to … Presenting
There are two ditches in public speaking. 1) Being so casual you lose all credibility. 2) Being so formal you lose all personality. Here’s what to do instead.
Communicate Confidence in a Job Interview: Lisa’s Story
With a few nonverbal communication tips, Lisa went from stalling out in job interviews to getting the job of her dreams. What did she change?
Four Types of Leaders
Of these four types of leaders, one has the greatest credibility and likeability. Which will you be?
Can Eye Contact Improve Relationships?
In Western culture, we dearly hold to the myth that making eye contact communicates respect. What is the truth about eye contact?
Make It Easy for Others to Give You What You Want
We constantly exchange time, goods, and resources. But what about intangible things like respect or honesty? If there are things you want to GET, make sure you GIVE these five things.
What To Do When You See “Negative” Body Language
You communicate nonverbally and pick up on the signals of others all the time. But do you know how to respond to what you see?
Feeling Burned Out?
Sometimes burnout is the result of a toxic work environment or bad boss. Sometimes employees do it to themselves. Here are some ways to proactively stave off burnout.
Fast, Not Furious
Sometimes people equate staying calm with being slow. Yet there are times when you need to be quick and decisive. Can you increase your pace without conveying stress? Yes! Here’s how.
How to Avoid an Emotional Hijacking
Feelings are a normal part of daily life. Yet being overtaken by an emotional response can have far-reaching negative consequences. Here are practical ways to keep your composure when you need to.
You Are Not What You Say You Are
If you want a better life, it begins with a long, hard look in the mirror.
To Recover from Embarrassing Moments, Practice These Three Things
Making mistakes is inevitable. Recovering from mistakes … not so much. Recovering requires purposeful action. Here are three things you can do to quickly move past surprises, blunders, and even failures.
Change vs. Growth
Are you changing or growing? Do you know the difference?
From Body Image to Body Language
You use your body — the whole thing! — to communicate. How you think and feel about your body affects how you present yourself and relate to others. Here are two ways body image especially impacts women’s communication.
3 Ways to Overcome Performance Anxiety
Speeches, job interviews, blind dates, asking for a raise… Which situations make you nervous? Do you wish you were more calm, cool, and collected? Try these three things.
When to Avoid Giving Positive Feedback
Most people like compliments, praise, and positive comments. Most of the time. But sometimes it’s exactly the opposite of what we want. How can you tell?
How to Change Anything
Do you want to change the world? Or your office culture? Or your relationship with your boss? Or anything at all in your life? Then you must change this ONE thing.
I Totally Screwed Up!
Lessons learned from purposefully making a fool of myself in front of a group.
The California Stop
Even with big red signs we don’t always stop when we’re supposed to on the road. What about when you’re speaking?
Har · mo · ny (n.): a pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts
What do playing the piano and nonverbal intelligence have in common? More than you might think.
How to Make a Good First Impression
Have you ever worried about making a good impression? In my recent guest post for Jobscan, I shared three ways you can prepare ahead of time for an important event and make a great first impression.
Eradicate These 3 Words from Your Vocabulary
The words you use send a message about your values and self-worth. Choose wisely.
Authenticity: Are You Using It As an Excuse?
You can do things you don’t enjoy and still be authentic.
Leadership: Are You Willing to Be Seen?
Leadership is a worthy goal, but it might not be what you think it is.
Why Nonverbal Communication?
How many times in your life have you gotten a message across to someone without using a single word?
I Am Amazing. And Broken. Just Like You.
Every January, a brand new year begins, full of promise. Every square on the calendar is empty, waiting for us to fill it with life well-lived. Several of my friends have had new babies in the first few days of January, over…
Do one thing that scares the pee out of you
One small, physical act can give you the confidence to face your fears.
Claim Your Space
One of the main ingredients of personal presence is how you interact with and claim space. Here’s what that means and how to do it.