3 Ways to Overcome Performance Anxiety You present yourself to others all the time. Every day, you say hello, answer questions, and tell stories. Most of the time, you do this without batting an eye. “Good morning. How is your day going? Can you believe this...
Do you want to change the world? Or your office culture? Or your relationship with your boss? Or anything at all in your life? Then you have to change yourself. Nothing gets my coaching clients and workshop participants more riled up than this truth. And granted, it’s...
Have you ever worried about making a good impression? We all hope to make a good impression when we’re meeting people for the first time, especially when the stakes are high. Worrying about it will backfire, though. Instead, prepare in advance so that...
ERADICATE THESE 3 WORDS FROM YOUR VOCABULARY “Words—so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in the dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” -Nathaniel Hawthorne Your words convey so...
AUTHENTICITY: ARE YOU USING IT AS AN EXCUSE? “What do I do,” a client asked me once, “when someone is droning on and on about a subject I don’t care about? Do I just sit quietly and pretend to care? That doesn’t seem authentic.” That word, “authentic”—it gets...
Leadership: Are You Willing to Be Seen? Leadership. It’s a word so overused and celebrated that it has almost lost its meaning. It has become a generic goal—something everyone aspires to, though they may not know what it means. Before you decide you want to be...