How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence You’re in front of a group, presenting, when a heckler throws out a question. You don’t know the answer. You’re not sure there is an answer. That’s obviously not the point—this is an attack! Which of the following...
Say More with Less I’m reading a book called Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less which, ironically, uses an astounding number of words to say, “Use fewer words.” My friend recommended it to me, probably because I am a wordy writer. Why use 7 words...
The 4 Components of Belonging “Everyone here looks down on me.” Over a Zoom coaching call, the executive assistant at a large global corporation hunched over and looked downward, hugging herself. “I’m not a city girl. I come from a very small rural town and I...
3 Ways to Replenish Your Energy and boost your mood January sucks. And I say that as someone who really looks forward to getting back into a routine and doubling down on goals and intentions after the fun, chaos, and self-indulgence that mark the last six weeks...
How to Build Self-Trust Human interactions require a basic level of trust to function, and that includes interacting with your own brain and living your own life. Like me, however, you have probably made a few [million] mistakes during your years on the earth....
Fight Better. Here’s How. You fight every day. I’m not referring here to interpersonal conflict though perhaps how to “fight better” when you disagree with others could be a topic for another article. (Until then, I recommend How to Argue and Win Every Time by...