7 Practical Ways to Boost Your Mood How is the “pursuit of happiness” going for you? As it turns out, the more you try to “pursue” happiness, the more it eludes you. Happiness is a feeling; emotions, by their very nature, are transitory. That’s one reason I’ve...
What is Holding You Back? You communicate who you are. Who you are and how you are shows up in your nonverbal communication. It shows up in your posture, your tone of voice, your sense of space, your gestures… I’ve said it over and over again in articles, workshops,...
What is Your Self-Worth Built On? The other day, I was playing the piano when my daughter bumped my elbow. Suddenly, I lost the right notes. The harder I tried, the worse it sounded. One little bump, and I was knocked completely off “course” and had to start...
Want to Grow Your Courage? First, Be Scared. Courage, confidence, and fearlessness. These three buzz words get bandied about almost interchangeably. Yet, they each require a different mindset and skillset. To be successful and live life to its fullest, you need...
7 Ways to Spread Hope & Health (instead of fear or germs) In times of crisis, you have a choice: contribute to the problem or contribute to the solution. Being part of the solution includes more than finding answers. It includes how you approach the crisis,...
What does it mean to be real, anyway? Perhaps it seems like it shouldn’t be that complicated. Being “real” means to be YOU. Simple, right? I mean, who else are you going to be? And yet, simple does not always mean easy—or everyone would do it by default! It can...