How Good Leaders Handle Stress When I think back over all the dinner parties, showers, church gatherings and various events I’ve hosted over the years, one stands out as a complete and total disaster: Turkey Day in May. Several years ago, after eight months of...
How to Move Past Emotions When You’re Stuck Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Some highly sensitive people may immediately shoot their hands up and say, “Yes, that’s me!” Other more stoic types might shake their heads no, possibly derisively. Here’s...
Don’t Be “Nice” I used to think of myself as a nice person. I don’t anymore. In fact, if people refer to me as nice, I cringe. It was a passage in Gavin de Becker’s book, The Gift of Fear, that first changed my opinion of this word: We must learn and then teach our...
Being Yourself Isn’t Enough Do you ever feel misunderstood? Like people don’t see or “get” the real you? Overlooked, perhaps? Maybe you are hardworking or intelligent or compassionate or clever… How many people actually see you that way? I remember one time a...
5 Things You Need to Sacrifice What are the things you’re willing to sacrifice for? Anything? What are you willing to give up? Nowadays, we’re used to getting what we want instantly. Try putting on an “old fashioned” DVD for a kid that’s never sat through the...
Rewrite Your Script My 7-year-old* daughter, Juliana, is almost exactly like I was as a kid: She loves to read and to write stories. She rarely plays with toys unless her sister begs her, but will spend hours outside riding her bike, climbing trees, exploring,...