5 Steps to (Re)Gain Your Composure “I feel completely on edge around my boss,” my coaching client told me. “Soon after we started working together, she gave me really negative feedback. I want to improve our relationship, but I get anxious every time I meet...
How to Thrive on Stress Successful people thrive on stress. “Thrive,” after all, is the #1 synonym of “succeed.” And let’s face it: real life is full of stress. If you want to be successful and thrive in life, you need to be successful and thrive in the midst...
The Pros and Cons of Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome isn’t all bad. I know, I know. As human beings we really want things to be cut and dried, especially when it comes to “good” and “bad.” This is good, that is bad—as if anything ever was 100% one or the...
7 Essential Ingredients for Honest Conversations Obviously, there are actually only two truly essential ingredients for an honest conversation: Have a conversation. Be honest. But being honest is a bit complicated, isn’t it? If your experience is anything like...
How to be Nonverbally Inclusive “Now that we’re back in the office part-time, I love seeing everyone interacting again,” a coaching client told me. “But a few people who were hired remotely during the pandemic still hang back. One newer employee said everyone...
How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence You’re in front of a group, presenting, when a heckler throws out a question. You don’t know the answer. You’re not sure there is an answer. That’s obviously not the point—this is an attack! Which of the following...