How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves As a pianist in my younger days, I experienced debilitating stage fright. Even the idea of playing in front of friends and family terrified me. I usually managed to get through the performance, but would often end up crying...
One Way to Reduce Others’ Resistance to your ideas and decisions When my girls were toddlers, I discovered the power of presenting options. If I said, “Put on this shirt” or “It’s time for bed,” rebellion inevitably ensued. But if I asked, “Which of these two...
7 Phrases that Make You Sound Passive-Aggressive Hopefully, you work in a healthy workplace culture and live in a strong, positive family where people are free to state their needs, opinions, and feelings directly and no one, including you, would ever dream of...
5 Things Fake People Do What does it mean to be real? Well, I can think of a few things being your real, true, authentic self doesn’t mean. For example, being real doesn’t mean: Letting everyone see and know everything. You can be a private person and still be...
Fearlessness vs. Courage: How to Cultivate Each What keeps you up at night? While many people do face real threats to their physical or psychological safety on a daily basis, most of the time, your worries are not about life-and-death situations. Yet these...
The Language of Leadership MPI Greater New York requested an article from me on how to use (and NOT use) language to convey leadership. Click the link below to read the article and discover four phrases to avoid in order to increase your credibility, and what...