Stop Being Modest Maya Angelou once said, I have no patience with modesty. Modesty is a learned adaptation. You don’t want modesty. You want humility. Humility comes from the inside out. You can spot fake humility, sometimes known as “modesty,” a mile away....
Drop These 5 Nonverbal Habits What are your nonverbal habits? Do you know? Often with habits, you don’t even realize you’re doing them. They’re automatic and almost involuntary. You do them unconsciously because they make you feel better. Sometimes that’s good,...
When to Use Words I love the study of body language and how to use it effectively. The other day, I had a whole “conversation” with someone in another car without a single spoken word. Yet you can get yourself into trouble by leaving things unsaid. Especially if you...
5 Times You Don’t Have to Listen I’m a huge proponent of good listening skills. Listening is vital for building rapport and creating connection, not to mention understanding people, gaining perspective, and learning new things. All wonderful, right? Giving...
6 Destructive Traits Good Leaders Reject In this rollercoaster of a year, we need strong, effective leaders more than ever. Just because someone has a leadership position or role or title doesn’t mean they can lead. Winning a popularity contest is not...
Keep Trying, Keep Failing I recently read Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead, and when I got to the part on “empathy fails,” I almost gave up. I’ve done them all. Made every mistake. Failed in every way there is to fail. And I’m supposed to be a communication expert! I...