5 Things You Need to Sacrifice What are the things you’re willing to sacrifice for? Anything? What are you willing to give up? Nowadays, we’re used to getting what we want instantly. Try putting on an “old fashioned” DVD for a kid that’s never sat through the...
Be Calm & Confident on the Phone Phone interviews are not an “easy” version of in-person interviews. Sometimes they create even more anxiety than a face-to-face meeting. In this article that I wrote for the Jobscan blog, I shared ways to prepare...
Stressed? Try These Three Fixes Change. Sometimes it is thrust upon you. Sometimes you actively seek it. And change, even positive change, is inherently stressful. Add to that the constant demands from the various hats you wear in life—demands from work and...
How to Say “No” No. It’s such a simple word. So short. So easy to spit out. And you say it all the time. The problem isn’t saying the word itself, it’s who or what you have to say no to. There are people you find it easy to say no to, and people you don’t....
Be Careful With These Two Words Depending on who you’re talking to, these two words can be either encouraging or demoralizing. The two words? “At least.” Sometimes “at least” means “at a minimum.” I’m not talking about that usage. I’m talking about the times...
Make One Small Change This Year The new year is upon us, with all its hopes and dreams and resolutions. It reminds me of a pop song that came out last year, called “Have It All” by Jason Mraz. My kids love it, so I’ve heard it a few hundred thousand times. It’s...