The Clothes Make the Man …Or Do They? I took my two daughters to Oregon Ballet Theater’s performance of The Nutcracker earlier this month. We dressed up in fancy clothes, had brunch at an upscale restaurant, then headed to the auditorium for their first ever...
Don’t Let Mismatched Nonverbals Make a Bad Situation Worse You know the feeling. You’re about to be the bearer of bad news. It could be at work—maybe you have to deliver a negative performance review, let your team know about budget cuts, or tell a client their...
Tips for Phone Conversations Did you know that your body language affects your tone of voice? Things like posture, movement, and breathing can all impact how you sound over the phone. When you have an important message to convey or want to increase your...
Rewrite Your Script My 7-year-old* daughter, Juliana, is almost exactly like I was as a kid: She loves to read and to write stories. She rarely plays with toys unless her sister begs her, but will spend hours outside riding her bike, climbing trees, exploring,...
Lessons Learned from 3 Big Mistakes I’ve Made I’ve had a lot of training and practice in communication. But my best teachers have often been my mistakes. I’ve screwed up many, many times… and those screw-ups have caused me pain. But they have also led to learning some...
It’s Not Magic, It’s Technique Remember when you were a really little kid and your great-uncle Bill pulled a quarter from behind your ear, and you were awestruck and a little creeped out and wondered, “HOW DID HE DO THAT?” Later, you discovered it wasn’t actually...