Climb the Corporate Ladder: Susan’s Story “Nice to meet you,” my coaching client said, as she walked into the office. She walked briskly to the chair I indicated, sat down, and asked, “How do we get started?” Susan* knew exactly what she wanted in life, and as...
The Power of the Pause My five-year-old burst through the door one day, calling out, “Guess what, Mama! GUESS WHAT we found in the backyard!!!!” “What?” I asked. But she refused to say. “What is it?” Again, she didn’t answer. She covered her mouth and ran back...
What Body Language Can’t Tell You Have you ever Googled “body language” or “nonverbal communication”? (Or is that just me?) If you have, you’ve seen the zillions of articles, books, and organizations dedicated to “decoding” the thoughts and motives behind every little...
How to Get People to Open Up As a coach, I can do my job a whole lot better when my clients feel comfortable sharing themselves with me. But I’m not the only one. You need this skill, too. Whether you’re an HR manager interviewing a job candidate, an attorney...
Power Poses: Science or Snake Oil? Have you heard of “power poses”? Between Amy Cuddy’s TED talk (one of the top 20 viewed TED talks of all time), her book called Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, numerous parodies and all the...
ACE YOUR INTERVIEW Do you have an interview coming up? Do you want to make a good impression, own the room, and leave knowing you nailed it? Request my FREE guide, “Ace Your Interview,” below. FREE INTERVIEW GUIDEThis 12-page PDF includes tips on how to prepare...