The 5 Laws of Listening If your listening is effortless, you’re doing it wrong. You probably take listening for granted. To many, it doesn’t even seem like a skill—it’s something that just happens without even trying: Noises come out of a mouth in recognizable...
5 Steps to (Re)Gain Your Composure “I feel completely on edge around my boss,” my coaching client told me. “Soon after we started working together, she gave me really negative feedback. I want to improve our relationship, but I get anxious every time I meet...
7 Essential Ingredients for Honest Conversations Obviously, there are actually only two truly essential ingredients for an honest conversation: Have a conversation. Be honest. But being honest is a bit complicated, isn’t it? If your experience is anything like...
How to be Nonverbally Inclusive “Now that we’re back in the office part-time, I love seeing everyone interacting again,” a coaching client told me. “But a few people who were hired remotely during the pandemic still hang back. One newer employee said everyone...
How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence You’re in front of a group, presenting, when a heckler throws out a question. You don’t know the answer. You’re not sure there is an answer. That’s obviously not the point—this is an attack! Which of the following...
Say More with Less I’m reading a book called Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less which, ironically, uses an astounding number of words to say, “Use fewer words.” My friend recommended it to me, probably because I am a wordy writer. Why use 7 words...