Fight Better. Here’s How. You fight every day. I’m not referring here to interpersonal conflict though perhaps how to “fight better” when you disagree with others could be a topic for another article. (Until then, I recommend How to Argue and Win Every Time by...
How to Be: Three Life-Changing Lessons from a Remarkable Woman About a month ago, I lost my mentor and dear friend, Mary Kogen. Mary was, on the surface, my college piano and pedagogy teacher. She taught me technique and chord progressions, how to break the...
2 Neglected Nonverbal Skills on Video Calls How much of your day is spent in video meetings? Over the past two years, video calls have likely become standard fare in your daily work diet, even if you’ve returned to your office. You may have experienced a bit of...
How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves As a pianist in my younger days, I experienced debilitating stage fright. Even the idea of playing in front of friends and family terrified me. I usually managed to get through the performance, but would often end up crying...
7 Gifts Everyone Wants Every time you interact with another human being you establish or reinforce two things: 1) Your reputation—how others see you, and 2) Your identity—how you see yourself. Some interactions affect those two things more than others. The...
3 Times to Shut Your Mouth In many situations, the wisest response is to keep your mouth shut. As the Dalai Lama said, “Silence is sometimes the best answer.” But that’s not what I’m talking about. When I say “shut your mouth,” I actually mean “keep it closed.”...