7 Techniques for Managing Anger at Work What gets you riled up at work? I conducted an informal survey awhile back on this topic. I’ll list some of the most common answers below, but (warning!) make sure to take deep breaths as you read or you might blow a...
5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending …and how to avoid them. “Some of my coworkers are so clueless,” a coaching client complained recently. “I get accused of being condescending when I explain things. How do I give them the info they need...
5 Signs You’re Making Someone Uncomfortable … and what to do about it. While waiting for a drink at a coffee shop, I noticed two women in conversation. I was mostly staring off into space, but then something caught my attention. I couldn’t hear the discussion;...
How to Build Trust (Even When Remote) “Our leadership team is floundering,” the woman told me over a video call. “We’re hybrid right now—everyone works part-time in the office and part-time at home. But even though we’re not fully remote anymore, our leaders...
7 Gifts Everyone Wants Every time you interact with another human being you establish or reinforce two things: 1) Your reputation—how others see you, and 2) Your identity—how you see yourself. Some interactions affect those two things more than others. The...
What to Do When Someone Invades Your Personal Space Have you ever felt uncomfortable because someone stood too close to you? Violation of personal space has always been an issue, but it has ramped up in recent months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Individual...