5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending

5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending

5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending …and how to avoid them.   “Some of my coworkers are so clueless,” a coaching client complained recently. “I get accused of being condescending when I explain things. How do I give them the info they need...
5 Signs You’re Making Someone Uncomfortable

5 Signs You’re Making Someone Uncomfortable

5 Signs You’re Making Someone Uncomfortable … and what to do about it.   While waiting for a drink at a coffee shop, I noticed two women in conversation. I was mostly staring off into space, but then something caught my attention. I couldn’t hear the discussion;...
One Way to Reduce Others’ Resistance

One Way to Reduce Others’ Resistance

One Way to Reduce Others’ Resistance to your ideas and decisions   When my girls were toddlers, I discovered the power of presenting options. If I said, “Put on this shirt” or “It’s time for bed,” rebellion inevitably ensued. But if I asked, “Which of these two...