Cultivate the Three Elements of Trust Human interactions rely on trust. We constantly gauge others and try to determine “friend or foe?” from the first second we’re introduced. Others constantly assess us, too. The “Trust Meter” rises and falls throughout specific...
Communication Tips: Swimsuit Edition Swimsuit shopping. Ugh. Finding the right suit can be such a chore. I usually look for one that covers my wobbly bits, but that also suits (ha!) my personality—you know… fun, classy, and bold enough to attract attention...
YOUR GUIDE TO CATS & DOGS One of my favorite workshops to present is on how to talk to cats and dogs. No, I haven’t turned into Dr. Doolittle. In this workshop, I use the analogy of cats and dogs to figure out how to gauge a person’s communication needs in the...
Two Ways to Increase Your Receptivity Recently, I had two different coaching clients coming for sessions on exactly the same communication issue. Though the material was the same between the two, the sessions varied wildly. One client’s sessions were full of...
5 Things You Need to Sacrifice What are the things you’re willing to sacrifice for? Anything? What are you willing to give up? Nowadays, we’re used to getting what we want instantly. Try putting on an “old fashioned” DVD for a kid that’s never sat through the...
Be Careful With These Two Words Depending on who you’re talking to, these two words can be either encouraging or demoralizing. The two words? “At least.” Sometimes “at least” means “at a minimum.” I’m not talking about that usage. I’m talking about the times...