Don’t Let Mismatched Nonverbals Make a Bad Situation Worse You know the feeling. You’re about to be the bearer of bad news. It could be at work—maybe you have to deliver a negative performance review, let your team know about budget cuts, or tell a client their...
Rewrite Your Script My 7-year-old* daughter, Juliana, is almost exactly like I was as a kid: She loves to read and to write stories. She rarely plays with toys unless her sister begs her, but will spend hours outside riding her bike, climbing trees, exploring,...
Lessons Learned from 3 Big Mistakes I’ve Made I’ve had a lot of training and practice in communication. But my best teachers have often been my mistakes. I’ve screwed up many, many times… and those screw-ups have caused me pain. But they have also led to learning some...
Fall Colors: What’s Hiding Behind All That Work? Fall is not my favorite season. I miss the longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures of summer. But the shorter, cooler days do produce something I absolutely love: gorgeous fall colors. As you might remember...
Claiming vs. Violating Space One key ingredient for personal presence, as well as excellent public speaking skills, is the ability to claim space. When you claim space, you expand your awareness beyond your own personal space bubble, fill the area around you with your...
Can You Be Too Authentic? I am a huge proponent of authenticity: Know yourself. Present the truth about yourself to others. Allow the real you to be seen. In fact, earlier this week I posted these very sentiments on social media. But here’s the caveat: Not...