7 Lessons I Relearned This Year Do you ever feel like you have to learn the same lessons over and over? Yeah, me too. That’s life. Head knowledge isn’t expertise. Understanding isn’t skill. Information doesn’t automatically translate to experience, wisdom, or a...
6 Destructive Traits Good Leaders Reject In this rollercoaster of a year, we need strong, effective leaders more than ever. Just because someone has a leadership position or role or title doesn’t mean they can lead. Winning a popularity contest is not...
What to do when someone is freaking out Emotions are a normal part of daily experience and work takes up a big chunk of your life, so… you’ll probably face some intense emotions occasionally during your work day. And since 2020 has been a year of upheaval (and...
Five Damaging Thoughts to Get Rid Of I have a confession to make: I am terrible about flossing my teeth. Due to helpful Twitter tips from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits (which I have yet to actually read), I’ve gotten a lot better with flossing in the...
Stressed? Breathe. Here’s Why and How. A sharp inhale. A heavy sigh. A deep, relaxed, full breath. Do you ever consider your breathing? What about when you’re under stress? Breathing just … happens. No thought or intention needed! But though you may not...
How to Overcome the Harmful Habit of Judging You’ve done it. I’ve done it. We all do it—we all sometimes pass judgment on others when their behavior (or anything else) isn’t up to snuff. Clothing choices, how people spend their free time, job skills, expressing...