How are you Sabotaging Yourself?

How are you Sabotaging Yourself?

How are you Sabotaging Yourself?   The young woman across the table took a breath and tried to settle herself. She had come for coaching to communicate more confidently in the workplace; but, as sometimes happens, the conversation had turned from career to...
Stop Depersonalizing Your Communication

Stop Depersonalizing Your Communication

Stop Depersonalizing Your Communication   Recently, my friend moved away. On the day of the move, I messaged her, “I’m going to miss you!” She wrote back, “We are going to miss our friends, too, but we promise to keep in touch.”  I couldn’t help but notice how...
3 Common Communication Pitfalls

3 Common Communication Pitfalls

3 Common Communication Pitfalls (and how to avoid them)   No one is a perfect communicator. Not me. Not you. In the best of times, communication pitfalls can lead to breakdowns. In times of crisis when emotions run high, the effects of bad habits are amplified....