When & How to Use The Language of Connection Most people don’t give much thought to the specific words they use. Words just spill out automatically and are expected to accurately convey a message. How about you? The way you phrase things sends its own...
Fight Better. Here’s How. You fight every day. I’m not referring here to interpersonal conflict though perhaps how to “fight better” when you disagree with others could be a topic for another article. (Until then, I recommend How to Argue and Win Every Time by...
2 Neglected Nonverbal Skills on Video Calls How much of your day is spent in video meetings? Over the past two years, video calls have likely become standard fare in your daily work diet, even if you’ve returned to your office. You may have experienced a bit of...
What to do When You’re the Target of Anger In my last blog, I wrote about how to manage your anger at work. But (just a wild guess here) it’s not like you’re the only one who ever gets angry. It comes with the territory for humans, which means it’s normal for...
5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending …and how to avoid them. “Some of my coworkers are so clueless,” a coaching client complained recently. “I get accused of being condescending when I explain things. How do I give them the info they need...
5 Signs You’re Making Someone Uncomfortable … and what to do about it. While waiting for a drink at a coffee shop, I noticed two women in conversation. I was mostly staring off into space, but then something caught my attention. I couldn’t hear the discussion;...