10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally

10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally

10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally   As a young child, I was outgoing, confident, and friendly. I would approach strangers without a second thought (much to my parents’ dismay), boss my friends and siblings around, easily make new friends on the...
2 Neglected Nonverbal Skills on Video Calls

2 Neglected Nonverbal Skills on Video Calls

2 Neglected Nonverbal Skills on Video Calls   How much of your day is spent in video meetings? Over the past two years, video calls have likely become standard fare in your daily work diet, even if you’ve returned to your office. You may have experienced a bit of...
5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending

5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending

5 Communication Traps that Make You Sound Condescending …and how to avoid them.   “Some of my coworkers are so clueless,” a coaching client complained recently. “I get accused of being condescending when I explain things. How do I give them the info they need...